In 2014, I registered the trademark of my nickname, 'Happe', and I apply it to all my creative endeavours, such as:
Happe Medium: A collection of personal and professional illustration and design artwork for print and digital. 'Happe Medium' refers to my being creative and using different mediums to express myself, namely drawing and writing. I like to create different stuff, using different things. This clever word-play led to other 'Happe' things, like...
Happe MemoriesA new product/service I offer that incorporates 100% original, hand-drawn elements into photographs for a unique gift idea. I turn happy memories into 'Happe Memories' (see what I did there?). Perfect for ANY occasion!
Happe Stories: A collection of stories for children and poems I've written over the years. One day I may even publish one. Here's hoping. And...
Happe Parenting: A series of universal parenting tips and tricks that I have established and implemented as a parent and as a teacher with over 20 years in Early Childhood Education. I think of myself as a teacher teaching parents parenting. That's fun to say!
For ANY questions or requests for either of my products or services, please contact me here
Have a Happe day.
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